Create & Invite Members to a Project

To create a new project, click on the Project switcher at the bottom of the sidebar and click on Create Project.

Create a New Project

Once a project is created, you can invite others to collaborate:

  1. Go to the project Settings.
  2. Go to the Team tab.
  3. Click on the + button.

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Project administrators hold the responsibility of assigning and managing permissions for all team members. Permissions in Literal AI are packaged as the following set of roles :

Supported roles

  • Admin: Full access to the project, including team management, project settings, and all resources.
  • AI Engineer: Manages observability data, API keys, and AI prompts. Cannot alter project settings or team roles.
  • Domain Expert: Reads observability data, scores, and tags data. Limited access to project resources and no API key or project settings management.

Feel free to reach out to us to create a custom role:

Permissions per role

AdminAI EngineerDomain Expert
Annotations (scores, tags…)Read & WriteRead & WriteRead & Write
Observability (threads, steps…)Read & WriteRead & WriteRead
Datasets (items, experiments…)Read & WriteRead & WriteRead
Prompt (playground, versions…)Read & WriteRead & Write
API Keys & CredentialsRead & WriteRead & Write
Project & TeamRead & WriteRead