Create an annotation queue

You can access your queues on the Annotation Queues page, and create one by clicking the + button in the top right corner of the table.

Create annotation queue

Annotation Queues Page

This will open a modal form, that you can fill with a name to identify the annotation queue and a description to convey the queue meaning.

Each new project comes with a “Default” annotation queue.

Populate a queue from logs

Once you have created a queue, you can start adding data to it. You can add runs/generations at once from the logs page.

Add Multiple Items to the Annotation Queue

You can also add a single item to the queue from a thread/run/generation detail page.

Add a Single Item to the Annotation Queue

Efficiently review queue items

On the Annotation Queues page, a reviewer can open a specific queue and start reviewing added items.

The annotation item page

Annotation Queue Item Page

A reviewer can:

  • Score the item
  • Tag the item
  • Add to Dataset the item

Finally, once the review is done, they can mark the item as Reviewed.

Check progress

Admins can monitor the progress of the queues on the Annotation Queues page by clicking on the Admin View button.

Annotation Queue Items List Page

In this view, the Admin can switch between the Pending and Reviewed tabs to see how many items are left to review and how many have been reviewed.