In Literal AI, the concept of a user is designed to seamlessly integrate with your application, allowing developers to create and manage user profiles that mirror their own application’s user base.

It’s important to note that the concept of User only exists at the Thread level, not at the Step level.

Filtering Threads by User

Create a User

import os
from literalai import LiteralClient
literal_client = LiteralClient(api_key=os.getenv("LITERAL_API_KEY"))

def my_step(input_message):
    # some code, llm call, tool call, etc.
    answer = "answer"
    return answer

def run(input_message):
    with literal_client.thread() as thread:
        literal_client.message(content=input_message, type="user_message", name="User")
        user = literal_client.api.create_user(identifier="John Doe")
        # user = literal_client.api.get_user(identifier="John Doe")
        thread.user = user
        answer = my_step(input_message)
        literal_client.message(content=answer, type="assistant_message", name="Assistant")
    return answer



Retrieve Threads of a User

You can retrieve all Threads of a specific User with the SDKs. You do this by using the participantId filter.

from literalai import LiteralClient

literal_client = LiteralClient()

user_id = '9c3d9c77-77ec-4e7c-a05e-60c97e917b0a'

threads = literal_client.api.list_threads(
    filters=[{"operator": "eq", "field": "participantId", "value": user_id}]

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